Search Results for public assistance,2024:/mt//feed/public assistance 2024-05-16T23:43:17Z Movable Type 4.21-en 17 1 17 Full Service Agent For Discount Price? Demand Specifics!,2009://3.4839 2023-11-27T15:00:00Z 2023-11-27T13:22:45Z Dan Melson There is no such thing as a free lunch, but lots of people will pretend there is. It seems to me that many people consider compensation earned by real estate agents as paying some kind of toll. They think of... Stupid Negotiating Tricks: Appeal to Pity (or Falling for Appeal to Pity),2008://3.4157 2021-01-21T15:00:00Z 2021-01-21T15:11:49Z Dan Melson A while ago, another agent in my office got an offer and brought it to me for feedback. The listing was range priced over a $30k range, and priced correctly, so there was a lot of activity on it. The... What Exactly do First Time Home Buyers Need?,2008://3.4072 2020-12-11T15:00:00Z 2020-12-11T13:52:46Z Dan Melson That's one of the questions I've been asked, and it deserves an answer. Know that there is some flexibility to the answer, as there are embedded trade offs. You don't need as much of an income, or as high of... Good Intentions and Over-Extended Homeowners,2009://3.4673 2012-04-30T14:00:00Z 2012-04-30T14:10:45Z Dan Melson (I do use one piece of non G-rated language below. I hope you'll agree with me that it was necessary to convey the proper sentiment) USA Today had an oped, "3 ways to help borrowers without bailing them out" Their... House Kills Best Likely Bill to Save the Markets,2008://3.4328 2008-09-29T19:00:00Z 2008-09-30T02:40:53Z Dan Melson Scroll down or hit reload for UPDATES Myth vs Fact on bailout compromise If John McCain had not used his presidential campaign to shine a media spotlight on the process, the Dodd version would probably have been passed over the... Links and Minifeatures 2008 06 19 Thursday (Three Years!),2008://3.4114 2008-06-19T17:20:00Z 2008-06-19T17:19:24Z Dan Melson Cavalcade of Risk ********** Do The Right Thing (for everybody) ********** UC Berkeley professor John Yoo on the Boumediene decision ********** September 10th thinking and how well it's worked for us so far. ********** Countrywide mortgage and conflicts of... Why Buyers Should Avoid Short Sales,2008://3.3987 2008-04-24T14:00:00Z 2009-12-11T14:50:50Z Dan Melson I've been saying this for a long time: Short sales are poison for buyers. I don't know why people encourage buyers to look at short sales, because there is no advantage for buyers that I am aware of. In... Jumbo Conforming Loans: Tougher Standards Than Conforming Loans,2008://3.3903 2008-03-18T14:00:00Z 2008-05-08T18:41:28Z Dan Melson Effective April 1st and for the rest of 2008, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be buying loans above the current limit of $417,000. The is a result of the economic stimulus package signed by President Bush on February 13th.... FYI: FHA Loans, FHA Secure, and Down Payment Assistance Programs,2008://3.3853 2008-02-21T19:50:00Z 2008-02-21T19:57:40Z Dan Melson FYI, I attended a class on FHA mortgages, FHA Secure and down payment assistance programs this morning. I'll probably have two or possibly three articles in the next week or so. In the meantime, if I can help with a... Links and Minifeatures 2008 01 31 (Thursday),2008://3.3813 2008-02-01T01:30:00Z 2008-02-01T01:37:10Z Dan Melson Cavalcade of Risk (I didn't submit that post, which was previously published two years ago, but they linked it so I'm linking back) ********** Absolutely disgusting: Blood-boiler: Berkeley vs. the troops How about DOD or even the entire US... Bundling Agent Services: What Services Do You Want and Need?,2008://3.3600 2008-01-04T15:00:00Z 2009-09-03T13:42:44Z Dan Melson There is no such thing as a free lunch, but lots of people will pretend there is. It seems to me that many people consider compensation earned by real estate agents as paying some kind of toll. They think of... San Diego County Fires October 25, 2007 (UPDATE 4 2010),2007://3.3617 2007-10-26T03:10:00Z 2007-10-26T03:07:40Z Dan Melson (I'll be making updates to this post today, same as yesterday Scroll down. If you have something to tell me, comment or email dm (at) the domain name). Wildfires spread but 'we've turned the corner' No homes were lost... Good Intentions and Over-Extended Homeowners,2007:/~searchli//3.2921 2007-08-23T17:01:10Z 2009-04-25T15:55:40Z Dan Melson (I do use one piece of non G-rated language below. I hope you'll agree with me that it was necessary to convey the proper sentiment) USA Today had an oped, "3 ways to help borrowers without bailing them out" Their... Stupid Negotiating Tricks: Appeal to Pity (or Falling for Appeal to Pity),2007:/~searchli//3.2632 2007-01-30T18:01:12Z 2022-04-26T00:15:37Z Dan Melson A few days ago, another agent in my office got an offer and brought it to me for feedback. The listing was range priced over a $30k range, and priced correctly, so there was a lot of activity on it.... What Exactly do First Time Home Buyers Need?,2006:/~searchli//3.2580 2006-12-31T18:01:29Z 2022-04-18T14:31:51Z Dan Melson That's one of the questions I've been asked, and it deserves an answer. Know that there is some flexibility to the answer, as there are embedded trade offs. You don't need as much of an income, or as high of... Links and Minifeatures 01 04 Wednesday,2006:/~searchli//3.2064 2006-01-05T04:30:13Z 2007-09-12T21:00:36Z Dan Melson Carnival of Investing Carnival of Capitalists Recommended: Daily Dose of Optimism Carnival of Liberty Carnival of The Vanities ********** So folks know where I'm coming from philosophically: You scored as Existentialist. Existentialism emphasizes human capability. There is no greater power... Recent US Political and Military History and the War on Terror,2005:/~searchli//3.2004 2005-11-21T01:41:52Z 2007-09-11T21:22:05Z Dan Melson War on Terror: I think Scrappleface sums it up completely: Bush Pushes Funding of 'Fear Gene' Research by Scott Ott (2005-11-18) -- Reacting quickly to new a study, published in the journal Cell, that shows timid mice can be made...